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Ultimate tips to boost your sales by doing Advanced Marketing on AMAZON

Given the enormous power of Amazon to drive customer to their website, it is critical to ensure that your product listing is optimized for search and meets Amazon marketing best practices.  We discuss below, the important elements of maximizing conversions on your Amazon listings.
Product title
The product title is key to marketing your product well on Amazon. It should be able to convey the essence of your product at a first glance.   Amazon allows between 150-250 characters for the product title. Elements to include in the title – Brand name, name of the product, distinguishing features such as color, size, use etc.  Try to inject good keyword in the title as this will help it to be searched when a customer is looking for a product. Use Amazon search bar to test specific keywords that is being recommended.
Simple Bullet Points
if you want to really maximize your bullet’s potential to sell your product, you need to think of them from a different perspective. It is well known that listings that utilize bullet points well in Amazon consistently leads to a better buy conversion rate than those listing that do not use all bullet points. To maximize the use of your bullets, use a short paragraph of two to four sentences and focus on the features and benefits of your product. Address any common questions or objections that might cause someone not to buy.
High Quality Images
Another critical area of importance on an Amazon product details page are images. Images, perhaps more than anything else, can cause a shopper to either click on your listing or to keep scrolling. For this reason, you should spend the time and effort to use high-quality images for your product.
Amazon requires that the main image for your product include only the product that you are selling, on a white background. Main images should not include accessories that are not included in the purchase. At a minimum, Images need to be 1,000×1,000 pixels to enable zoom feature.
Maximizing Page Engagement
The product description area is perhaps your last chance to turn a shopper into a buyer on your Amazon listing. A great product description needs to answer your customer’s questions and provide them with more details about your product. You should stick to keywords in your product descriptions, but remember to avoid duplication.  A great product page should contain:
Price information
  • Shipping options
  • Availability
  • Sizes/colors
  • Sizing charts
Look at the Impact of reviews on an Amazon product listing.   This should be one of your top marketing considerations. In addition to the above, general best practices to managing reviews should be followed as below:
  • Pay close attention to your reviews. Sell a quality product, treat your customers well, take care of issues promptly when they arise and always go above and beyond.
  • Be proactive, If they ask then you should answer
  • Use the Q&A section. Answers can be submitted by both sellers and customers.
  • Consider seeding the section by asking a colleague or friend to put a question that is common for your product, so that you can answer it.
  • Once questions are asked, make sure that the answers displayed to those questions are accurate
  • Because anyone can submit an answer, you will want to keep an eye on this section and ensure that the answer displayed for a question is correct.
Optimizing the Search Terms
You will need to approach keywords for Amazon differently than you do for Google. Remember that those who search on Amazon are ready to purchase in that moment, which can impact which keywords they use to search.
In addition to pulling from a title and bullets, Amazon determines which keywords are relevant for your listing from the Search Terms section located in the back-end of seller central.  First 250 characters i.e. only these characters are “indexed,” and show up in search results.
Here are a few guidelines for search terms in Amazon:
  • Order of importance for your keywords should go from the top of the page to the bottom.
  1. Title (most important terms)
  2. Feature bullets (second most important keywords)
  3. Description (third most important terms)
  4. Backend keywords/Search Terms (optional terms / leftovers)
To drive sales and conversions on Amazon, it’s essential that you optimize every aspect of your product listings. Even a slight increase in your conversion rate can make a significant impact on your bottom line. It’s important, however, to note that a well-performing listing is part science and part art.
There are a lot of critical elements to a product’s success or failure on the world’s largest ecommerce platform. Your listing is certainly a major one, and following these simple steps, you are well on your way to an optimized and high-converting listing.
Product Spy Pro provides Amazon listing analyzer to find good products to sell on Amazon.


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